Adventures with...
Adventures with...
A Safe, Fun, and Enriching Place After School Hours!
Our goals are to provide quality out-of-school time programs in a safe, nurturing and educational environment where students can learn valuable life skills, develop character, make new friends, and discover new interests, preparing them to become lifelong learners and responsible contributors to a diverse society.
Creativity ..."is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun." - Mary Lou Cook During enrichment time we take a theme and depending on the subject for the day, students will learn something new, have fun by using their hands to create, and utilizing their minds to problem solve! |
We offer two kinds of Afterschool programs: Kinder & K-6. Our Kinder program supplements AM/Half day for families needing an all day option. The K-6 program goes from the end of school to 6pm, for families needing a safe and convenient option after school hours!
Location & Shuttle Information
We currently have 2 locations: Draper 1285 E 13200 S and Bluffdale 15327 S. Noell Nelson Dr.
Summit Academy Bluffdale friends! There will be a shuttle that will take you to the Independence Campus. Make sure to communicate with Teachers so they can assist as best as they can. An Afterschool staff member will be waiting by the Drop-off door!
Summit Academy Bluffdale friends! There will be a shuttle that will take you to the Independence Campus. Make sure to communicate with Teachers so they can assist as best as they can. An Afterschool staff member will be waiting by the Drop-off door!